Being Indie

Receiving my first rejections from publishing houses in my country for my debut book, On the Other Side, left me shattered. I questioned the effort I had invested. The publishers’ responses, citing insufficient funds to invest in an unknown author, felt partially true, though I appreciated their directness. I knew that a spiritual book about past life memories wasn’t the dream debut they sought; perhaps a romance or science fiction novel might have stood a better chance. Spirituality, it seemed, interested no one. To break into my country’s market, I needed funds and connections, despite insights from a relative in the industry.

The subsequent rejections from four international publishers compounded my despair, leaving me despondent for days. Their polite, noncommittal templates offered no constructive feedback, just courteous dismissals.

This led me to self-reflection. What was driving me? Why was I writing? Was my work any good? Should I persevere or resign myself to obscurity? I grappled with these questions alone, having kept my writing ambitions secret from all but two confidants.

As a human resource professional, I knew that embarking on a new career path was akin to mission impossible. It’s tough to start anew, and recruiters often don’t take you seriously if you admit that. Was it the same for me as a writer? Possibly. But writing wasn’t just another job application; it was a hobby I was beginning to invest in, despite the significant costs. My pragmatic side, the manager in me, tried to persuade me that a budget-conscious manager wouldn’t take risks. Yet, the writer within me clamoured for attention. After a tug-of-war between both, I chose to persevere and finish what I had begun, thus becoming an indie author.

What exactly is an indie author? It’s someone who, after being rejected by traditional publishers, decides to self-publish. Typically, these are first-time authors. Another group consists of those disillusioned with traditional publishing, who choose to take control of their destiny. I belonged to the former, embarking on the indie journey. Oh, the mistakes I made: from mishandling my social media and getting my Facebook account blocked, to encountering scammers and navigating the complexities of self-publishing platforms. If asked whether I’d embark on this journey again, I’m uncertain of my answer.

You might wonder whether pursuing this path is worthwhile. I can’t provide an answer or offer advice on that. Is any path that brings your dreams to life or energizes you worth taking? Reflecting on my early steps as an author, I am convinced that this journey has fortified me. It allowed me to express my feelings, thoughts, and beliefs more boldly than ever before. To be in a state where you are simply YOU—unafraid and open, allowing the world to see you without any masks—is truly wonderful. It’s about encountering YOU, YOURSELF.

Adria sanders


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